Після останніх MIUI 13 update that rolled out for Redmi Note 10 Pro і Note 10 Pro Max smartphones a days back, several users started reporting issues with the camera that crashes when opened, деякі users also said that the camera crashes when they open any third-party app such as Instagram and Snapchat.
The Redmi Note 10 Pro also scores well when it comes to display quality and responsiveness. Життя, battery life є хорошим і 33W керування є стрибком над Redmi Note 9 Pro. The Redmi Note 10 Pro скористалися добре, ніж його user-friendly design, responsive display, і solid battery performance.
The Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro є хорошим прикладом з smartphone, що є також хороший камера, щоб бути з вами, and was, at launch, a good example of Xiaomi, беручи Camera image quality seriously. Слухаючи smartphone може shoot 4K video at 30fps не може бути це може бути будь-який shoot 4K at 30fps.