What is EPEL. EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) is open-source and free community-based repository project from the Fedora team які забезпечують 100% високої якості додаткового програмного забезпечення для Linux distribution, включаючи RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux), CentOS Stream, AlmaLinux, і Rocky Linux.
З цими репо користувачами можна отримувати EPEL package, тому що в цьому випадку є EPEL easy as installing any other package.
- Connect to server через SSH як root user; or open a terminal if you're working locally.
- Install EPEL реpository with following command: sudo yum install epel-release.
EPEL is reasonably safe and widely used due to its wide selection of useful packages and careful, enterprise grade quality control.